In advance of the 2018 Red Bull Rubik’s Cube World Championship, Pete was asked by Rubik's Cube to attend an promotional event at the MoMA in New York City. This event was intended for the media to come and learn about the Rubik's Cube ecosphere as it has evolved since the 80's, and specifically how speedcubing has become a hot competition amongst teens. It was also an opportunity for the media to learn how to solve their first cube and see how others, like Pete, use the cube in new and creative ways. he was asked to build and display a 225 cube mosaic at the event.
Pete decided to pay homage to Andy Warhol as his works are a staple at the MoMA. His prints of Marilyn Monroe are iconic and portraits of her have been done by other Rubikc's Cube mosaic artists. He thought this would be a good opportunity to throw his hat in the ring.
At only 225 cubes, this is one of the smallest mosaics he's done. Small mosaics present a tough challenge. The image being depicted needs to be incredibly recognizable since the final mosaic is so pixelated. Marilyn Monroe is one of the few subjects that could accomplish that.